Top Turnaround CEOs Under 40
Wait, what? Burger King's CEO, Daniel Schwartz, is just 33 years old? We uncover what other companies have strapping young CEOs at the helm. [Read More]
IT is Integral to Efficient Post-Merger Integration
From the IT perspective, mergers, buy-outs, take-overs and even IPOs are fraught with potential peril. IT can be a major factor in post-merger integration. [Read More]
Biggest IPOs of 2014
With 185 IPOs already announced, 2014 in on track to be another stellar year. We look back at some of the biggest IPOs of 2014, and what's still to come! [Read More]
M&A Cost Savings: Tips For the Entire Deal Lifecycle
It would be imprudent for executives to ignore the lifecycle costs of an M&A transaction. Here are some M&A cost savings tips for the lower mid-market. [Read More]
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Nearly 30% of Canadians Don’t Support Tim Hortons Merger
Our polling results are in on the recent Burger King / Tim Hortons merger. Twenty eight percent of Canadians indicated they were not in favor of the deal. [Read More]
When Egos Collide: Famous Deal Making Feuds
Successful deal makers are used to trusting their gut instincts. So when someone challenges their ideas, tempers are bound to run high. [Read More]
Should Burger King Acquire Tim Hortons?
Burger King has acquired Canadian cultural icon, Tim Hortons. How will each side benefit from the deal? We break it down. [Read More]
IT Due Diligence: Advice for the CIO
With potential merger activity in your law firm's future, how does IT best prepare? Jeffrey Brandt offers some IT due diligence tips for the CIO. [Read More]