15 Dos and Don’ts for Entertaining Clients
15 Dos and Don'ts for Entertaining Clients. Tips for taking clients for dinner, drinks, golf, and other outings while closing the deal. [Read More]
How much money should Katy Perry pay to play the Super Bowl halftime show?
The NFL is asking artists if they would pay to play the Super Bowl halftime show. We calculated how much Katy Perry should pay if they had their way. [Read More]
2015 Economic Predictions: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Economists and policy makers almost universally agree that 2015 will be a crucial year in the world economy, as we see whether major markets reflect recent signs of improvement or... [Read More]
DealMaker Holiday Dreams, Pt. 2: Private Tropical Islands
A list of private islands currently for sale, for anyone seeking the most luxurious vacation money can buy. [Read More]
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2014 in Review: The Year of Breakups
A review of corporate spinoffs in the 2014 fiscal year. [Read More]
DealMaker Holiday Dreams, Pt. 1: Planes, Trains, Automobiles (and Yachts!)
The finest and most expensive luxury goods as gifts for dealmakers. [Read More]
Weighing the Odds of a “Glentinto”
Whether Glencore makes another run at Rio Tinto may depend, to a large extent, on the state of the global economy. [Read More]
10 Companies Back From The Dead — Part 2
Everyday news articles report companies that are performing well, and others who are 6 feet under. Discover the few that thrive as the living dead. [Read More]