Investment Banking
Learn from stories, tips, and first hand experiences in investment banking.
Firmex Chats with John Carvalho, President of Stone Oak Capital and Divestopedia
From frustrations to expectations, expert entrepreneurial M&A advisor and educator, John Carvalho, and Firmex’s Senior Director of Marketing, Edward Stephen, talk all things sell-side in part 1 of their conversation. [Read More]
Is Insurtech Having Its Moment?
This article explores how a wave of tech-focused insurance companies is disrupting current industry models, leading to a digitalization-fueled hunger for funding and deal making. [Read More]
The Past Two Decades in Investment Banking: Then and Now
This article covers some of the major shifts in investment banking over the past two decades and the notable milestones leading up to today. [Read More]
Out of Sight: Cognitive Biases That Come Into Play in Valuations
This article covers how for dealmakers, it’s important to understand the types of cognitive biases that can sneak into the valuation process. [Read More]
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Making the Most of Corporate Restructuring for Middle-Market Companies
In this arcticle, Travis Vandell of Stretto and Christopher Ward of Polsinelli explore how middlemarket companies face restructuring challenges that differ in scale and proportion to mega corporations, and shed light on how these challenges can be overcome. [Read More]
Can M&A and Investments Be Done 100% Virtually During COVID-19?
In this article, Gaurav Bhasin, Managing Director of Allied Advisers, shares his first-hand experience managing deals virtually. [Read More]
M&A in Transition: From Dealmaking to Restructuring and Back Again
This article covers how during a downturn, M&A teams can pivot to advise on restructuring to offset the drop in deal activity. [Read More]
Financial Modeling Back in the Day: A Brief History of the Spreadsheet
This article covers a brief history of the spreadsheet, its impact on financial modeling, and its cultural embedding in the finance industry. [Read More]