M&A Fee Guide 2024-2025 — Global Edition

In partnership with Axial, DealCircle, and Divestopedia, Firmex’s 8th annual M&A Fee Guide is an authoritative source on M&A fees in the middle market.

The Current State of M&A Advisory Fees

In partnership with Axial, DealCircle, and Divestopedia, Firmex’s 8th annual M&A Fee Guide is an authoritative source on M&A fees for sell-side engagements in the middle market.

Using data gathered from a survey of over 450 M&A advisors across six continents, this guide highlights key trends and observations on fees in the middle market. The statistics are accompanied by anecdotes from responders and insightful commentary from M&A experts at Axial, DealCircle, and Divestopedia.

What Middle-Market Advisors Need to Know 

By reading this guide, M&A advisors and business owners will gain valuable insights from professionals around the world on fee structures, client relationships, and strategies for 2025.

Key Highlights from the M&A Fee Guide 2024-2025

  • Despite rising costs, middle-market merger advisors found it harder to raise fee levels in 2024 than they did in 2023.
  • Only 34% of firms said they raised at least one type of fee last year, compared to 47% the prior year.
  • Half of all firms surveyed grew their revenue last year.
  • Profitability levels remained roughly the same as in last year’s survey, with about one-third reporting increases.
  • The most typical monthly work fees and fixed up-front retainers saw a slight increase.
  • More firms than in 2023 agreed to deduct work fees from success fees and to delay fee payments when the seller is paid over time.


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